Privacy Policy

Privacy Standards


As a documentary filmmaker, Northern Pictures collects and disseminates information that may be personal or otherwise private, just like other media organisations engaged in similar forms of journalism.

When gathering personal information and using it in our documentary programs, Northern Pictures is committed to observing the following standards.

Collecting personal information


The only personal information Northern Pictures may seek to collect when preparing a documentary is information relevant to the subject matter of the program.

We do not unduly intrude on anyone’s privacy when researching and producing our programs and show respect for the dignity and sensitivity of the people we encounter.

Use and disclosure of personal information


Personal information we gather about people is only used for the purpose for which it is intended.

In all but exceptional cases, Northern Pictures uses best efforts to obtain a person’s consent before including personal information about them in any program. Where consent is given, we comply with the terms of the consent.

Special care is taken in the collection and use of material concerning children and vulnerable people.

Quality and security of personal information


Northern Pictures takes reasonable steps to ensure that personal information we collect is accurate, complete and up-to-date and stored in a way that is protected from misuse, loss and unauthorized access.

Privacy Contact


Enquiries about Northern Pictures’ approach to privacy or its use of personal information should be directed to:

Northern Pictures
52-54 Turner Street
Redfern NSW 2016

Attn: General Counsel
Ph: +61 2 9331 7334